Me !

I am not the same today as I was yesterday, neither am I, what I will be tomorrow. I am being moulded in the Potter's hands. He's still working on me to make me all I ought to be !

Monday, November 11, 2013

Crossing over

Two people I know crossed over from life to death. Among all the positions they held in life, their relationships defined them as a son, brother, uncle, husband and father. The other was a daughter, sister, wife, mother and aunt. Their absence leaves a void in the lives of all loved ones. Death seemed to have caught them by surprise. They didn't plan or intend to die. Their moment of 'passing on' crept on them, unannounced.

Life takes on more meaning when considered with its end in mind. Death has an astonishing impact on 'Life' perspective ! The death knell awakens the living. Ponder with me, what life's last thoughts would be.

 Will my mind be preparing a balance sheet of assets and liabilities or Will I long to have lived more fully and loved more dearly ? In view of the inevitable, I thought of Life in two terms.

Life defined by Time and Destination :
 My body will surely 'expire', but soul lives forever ! Am I Heaven bound or Hell Of all the choices I make in life, this is the most important one. Death cannot catch a prepared person unawares. The only preparation you really need is the simplest of all. Believe and Receive Jesus. John 3 v 16 and John 1v 12

Life in terms of Investments and Possessions :
What possesses me, matters more than what I possess ! Does bitterness and unforgiveness possess me or am I driven by love and compassion ?  Am I obsessed with possessing? Does it really matter what I do or do not possess when I am bound to leave it all behind? Will my possessions last the test of time ? Am I investing in what will survive the onslaught of moth, rust and thieves ? Mathew 6 :19-21

When it is time to say 'Goodbye' will you and I feel 'Good to say Bye' ? 
Lord may our last moments on earth be filled with the Hope of Heaven and the Joy of meeting Jesus and all our loved ones again. May we live lives in keeping with that Joy and Hope.