Me !

I am not the same today as I was yesterday, neither am I, what I will be tomorrow. I am being moulded in the Potter's hands. He's still working on me to make me all I ought to be !

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Simon Peter

Andrew is 'picture perfect' - a disciple of John the baptist, spiritual , unselfish, a loving brother, great faith in Jesus, humble and so on. The "first thing" Andrew does (John 1 v 41) after meeting Jesus is to tell his brother Simon, and bring him to see the Messiah.

I wonder why Simon went to see the Messiah. Was it curiosity ? Was it to appease Andrew ? Simon was brash with a temper like the tempest. He was the sea hand who probably didn't care much for sermons. But here he was ... before Jesus. The bible says Jesus "looked" at Simon. In Greek that "look" describes a concentrated, penetrating gaze. I wonder what it is that Jesus saw ?

Did Jesus see a cussing, blunt and raw fisherman, as crude as they come ? Those strong and cracked hands and rugged appearance ? Did the smell of fish hit Jesus nostril ? We know Jesus looked beyond what was on the outside -  for Man sees the outward appearance but God sees the heart. 

Here was the man whose personality tossed and turned like the waves he was accustomed to. There was no stability for a fisherman. Everything depended on his catch and a hard bargain. No soft conversation and cushioned bed for the night - only hard labor on a rough sea. This was no learned scholar like Paul who would come later. Here was a man, raw in speech and action.

I believe Jesus saw the doubt in Simon's heart, his insufficiency and inadequacies. A heart that says, "Lord I don't fit, I am no good. I'm just an ordinary fisherman. What can the kingdom of God have to do with me? My brother - he's the good one Lord. I am full of weaknesses, I don't amount to much other than fishing. I am impulsive, short tempered and fearful. How can I ever be of any spiritual good to anybody when I need you more than everybody?" 

I love Jesus' response !! He said, " You are Simon the son of Jonah" - Jesus knows Simon for who he is (present) and where he has come from (past). His history is not a mystery to Jesus. Jesus does not rehearse Simon's faults and lay the charge sheet out before him. His very next statement is "You shall be called Cephas (Peter)". Cephas is translated "Stone or Rock". Simon's name was changed by a man who has seemingly just seen him for the first time. The Word which created every cell in Peter's body speaks 'Life' into his life. Jesus saw Simon for who he was going to be - Peter. 

The anointing of the Holy spirit would transform the fearful Simon who denied Jesus thrice before the servants in the High Priests courtyard to be the bold witness preaching up a storm before people from every nation who had come to Jerusalem. The angry fisherman who sliced off the ear of the high priest servant would heal the sick with love and compassion in Jesus name. The Lord held Peter close and helped him to Trust and Obey.

I think about Peter and I say, I have hope !

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